CDHPs Affect on Health Care Spending

Ordinarily, I try to couple a picture with the content of my post, creating a theme of sorts.  This week, my selected picture IS the essence of the blog post.  The picture is a chart provided by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) showing the slowing of health care spending from 2002 to 2013, by nearly 90%.  A previous blog post addressed this topic (click -
One of the factors contributing to the slow down in health care spending cited in this post (titled appropriately - What's Causing Health Care Spending to Slow?) is the growth in popularity and implementation of so called high deductible health plans with accompanying tax preferred spending accounts.  Better known as Consumer Driven Health Plans, or CDHPs, these plans affect both the demand and supply of health care, and as time, data, and logic has now proven, THESE PLANS REDUCE HEALTH CARE COSTS WITHOUT COMPROMISING CARE!

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