Narrow Networks...Healthcare Buyers Beware!

In the current, post Affordable Care Act (ACA) world, the term - “narrow network” – is often heard, and at times, is a strategy deployed by employers and insurers.  There are a variety of other ways to describe narrow networks, such as - carve out network; exclusive provider network; select network; tiered network…you get the idea.  From a covered member's standpoint, this strategy involves limiting the number of contracted providers plan members can seek care from, and in return, receive the best benefits, and lowest out of pocket costs.  From the standpoint of the insurer or employer, narrow networks mitigate risk and reduce expenses.  Readers who have been around the healthcare scene since the eighties might recall the original introduction of narrow networks, albeit presented at the time as “HMO Lite”;  “a PPO/HMO hybrid”; or more commonly –  “exclusive provider organization”, replete with its very own acronym  - EPO! 

The ACA and Newton's 3rd Law of Motion

Sir Isaac Newton’s Third Law of Motion taught us that “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”.  As we near the end of the fourth full year of the [partial] roll out of The Affordable Care Act /Obamacare, it has become increasingly more challenging for people to differentiate “action” from the “equal and opposite reaction”.  Put another way, some of the things we’re experiencing, required by the ACA, are directly attributable to the law itself (call these “actions”).  And then there are things we’re seeing that are the result of the many requirements, mandates, fees/taxes, expansions associated with the ACA (call these “equal and opposite reactions”).   This will all make more sense when you see the chart at the end of this article.