ACA Replacement Bill Proposed ~ C.A.R.E. Act

From the time the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law on March 23, 2010, after having been passed by congress on a 100% partisan basis by the Democrat party, the Republican party has largely expressed opposition to the law.  In fact, the Republican controlled House of Representatives has passed upwards of 40 bills seeking to completely repeal the ACA.  However these bills never made it to the Democrat controlled Senate floor for a full vote, and thus "died on the vine".  Perhaps no other issue facing our country has seen the level of opposition and discourse than has health care "reform".

For the second time since the ACA's passage, a replacement bill has been proposed, and interestingly, its origination is the U.S. Senate.  (Note: Late in 2013, Sen. John McCain and Rep. Tom Price introduced companion ACA replacement bills, which have not gained much traction in either chamber.)  Last week (01/27/2014) Republican Senators Orrin Hatch (UT), Tom Coburn (OK), and Richard Burr (NC) introduced the "Patient Choice, Affordability, Responsibility, and Empowerment Act", or CARE.  Shortly thereafter (01/30/2014) House of Representatives leader Eric Cantor announced the House would be - "taking up a bill that mirrors the Hatch, Coburn, Burr bill later this year".

There are three (3) reasons to believe this bill, or some variation thereof, may actually have a chance of replacing the ACA:

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