Is Your Company CDH Ready?

Over the course of the last several years, Consumer Driven Health (CDH) has grown in popularity, and effectiveness, as a way for employers to reduce their health insurance and health care related costs.  CDH's evolution has not come easy or without its detractors.  However, both the empirical and anecdotal data collected over the last ten years point to CDH as a proven and effective method of true - "health care reform"!  According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), the number of employers offering CDH plans has jumped from 4% in 2005 to 31% in 2012.  KFF also released data indicating the average cost of family coverage is $1,500 less per employee on a CDH plan than a traditional PPO plan.  And benefits consulting firm Aon Hewitt's health care survey revealed that CDH plans had a 2 percent lower cost trend in 2012, versus all other health plan types (i.e., PPO, HMO, EPO).

Today's post provides a list of "CDH Readiness Considerations" for employers who are contemplating implementing some form/level of CDH into their organization.  Employers that presently offer a CDH plan(s) might also benefit from a review of these considerations...